Available with Workflow Manager license.
The 10.9.1 release of ArcGIS Workflow Manager includes the following new features and enhancements:
- Workflow Manager Server can now be deployed in high-availability sites
- The ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server Advanced role now includes the following new features:
- Recurring jobs can now be scheduled for tasks that needs to be performed on a regular basis.
- The Send Web Request step includes additional functionality that allows you to configure the REST endpoint's response as custom output values, save it as a file, and attach it to the job.
- When a dependency is released for a step that is set to run automatically, the step starts running automatically.
- Job activities have been added to allow you to send email notifications to individual users or groups of users when the specified event occurs.
- The Manage page has been updated to allow you to visualize parent-child relationships on the map.
- Step templates have been updated to support the following features:
- The Add Attachment, Cleanup, Create Version, Define Location, Evaluate Data Quality, Manual Step, Question, Run GP Service, Send Email, Send Web Request, Start/End, Update 1-M Job Properties, and Update Job Properties steps have had their default run option configuration changed from Manual to Automatic.
- Add Comment is a new step that allows you to add comments to a job that can be reviewed in the Details panel.
- Create Job is a new step that allows you to automatically generate dependencies and establish parent-child relationships between jobs to ensure that the each part of your business process is maintained and respected.
- The Define Location step now allows the job's location to be defined using an ArcGIS Arcade expression.
- Evaluate Data Quality is a new step that allows you to evaluate the quality of the data used in jobs using the ArcGIS Validation Service's Evaluate operation.
- The Manual Step, Open Pro Project Items, Question, Start/End, Update 1-M Job Properties, and Update Job Properties steps can be configured to allow a user to add a comment to the step when the step is run.
- The Run GP Service step now includes support for synchronous geoprocessing services.
- The Send Email step now includes the CC and BCC recipient fields.
- Send Web Request is a new step that allows you to send requests to REST endpoints to get data or post updates.
- Workflow paths have been updated to support the following features:
- Paths can now be assigned using Arcadeexpressions.
- Paths can now be configured to ensure that a step is always assigned to a group, even when the user running the step is a member of the group.
- Jobs have been updated to support the following features:
- You can now reopen closed jobs.
- Job relationships have been added to allows you to create dependencies and establish parent-child relationships between jobs.
- You can now duplicate a job template and use it as a starting point for similar types of work.
- Lookup tables have been added to allow you to add custom job priorities and status types to match your existing business processes or to make them more appropriate for your locale.
- The following Arcadeexpressions were added:
- The jobStartedDate expression was renamed to jobStartDate.
- $currentPortal is a new variable that allows you to reference the current portal in Arcade expressions that requires a portal instance to be defined.
- $parentJob is a new variable that returns the parent job ID for the current job.
- geoJsonToEsriJson is a new expression that returns the first feature from a feature collection that corresponds with the selected geometry type.
- setting is a new expression that returns the value of the specified user-defined setting.