| Houtman Abrolhos Reef Observation Areas Notice 1994 |
| Netting Prohibition (Fishing Net) Kimberley Region Notice |
| Prohibition On Commercial Fishing (Lake Argyle) Order 2012 |
| Prohibition On Fishing (Point Samson) Order (No. 2) 2006 |
| Prohibition on Boat Fishing (Danggu Geikie Gorge) Order 2021 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (Jurien Bay Marine Park) Order 2005 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (King Sound South) Order 2018 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (Leschenault Estuary) |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (Marmion Marine Park) Order |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (Muiron Islands Marine Management Area) Order 2008 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (Ningaloo Marine Park) Order 2005 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (Roebuck Bay) Order 2013 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (Shark Bay Marine Park) Order 2004 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (Shoalwater Islands Marine Park) Order 2010 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (South-West Coast Beach Bait Net) Order 2010 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing (South-West Coast Beach Net) Order 2010 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Barrow Island Marine Park and Montebellos Islands Marine Park) Order 2020 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Bernier Island) Order 2018 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Burswood Lake) Order 2015 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Cockburn Sound and Warnbro Sound) Order 2005 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Eighty Mile Beach Marine Park) Order 2018 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Esperance Jetty) Order 1997 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Greens Pool) Order 2018 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Hamelin Pool Marine Nature Reserve) Order 2004 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Lalang-garram / Camden Sound Marine Park) Joint Authority Order 2021 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Lalang-garram / Camden Sound Marine Park) Order 2021 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Lalang-garram / Horizontal Falls Marine Park) Joint Authority Order 2021 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Lalang-garram / Horizontal Falls Marine Park) Order 2021 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Ngari Capes Marine Park) Order 2018 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Rottnest Island) Order 2007 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Rowley Shoals Marine Park) Order 2019 |
| Prohibition on Recreational Fishing (Jurien Bay Marine Park) Order 2005 |
| Prohibition on Recreational Fishing (Marmion Marine Park) Order 1999 |
| Prohibition on Recreational Fishing (Muiron Islands Marine Management Area) Order 2008 |
| Prohibition on Recreational Fishing (Ningaloo Marine Park) Order 2005 |
| Prohibition on Recreational Fishing (Shark Bay Marine Park) Order 2004 |
| Prohibition on Recreational Fishing (Shoalwater Islands Marine Park) Order 2010 |
| Prohibition on Recreational Fishing Activities (Walpole/Nornalup Estuary) Order 2002 |
| Prohibiton on Fishing (Heirisson Island) Order 2007 |
| Prohibiton on Fishing (Lake Clifton) Order 1996 |
| Wreck Site - Prohibition on Fishing (HMAS Perth) Wreck Site Order 2002 |
| Wreck Site - Prohibition on Fishing (HMAS Swan) Wreck Site Order 1998 |
| Wreck Site - Prohibition on Fishing (Kunmunya and Samson II) Wreck Site Order 2000 |
| Wreck Site - Prohibition on Fishing (Lena) Wreck Site Order 2007 |
| Wreck Site - Prohibition on Fishing (Omeo Wreck Site) Order 2017 |
| Wreck Site - Prohibition on Fishing (Sanko Harvest) Wreck Site Notice 1995 |
| Wreck Site - Prohibition on Fishing (Saxon Ranger) Wreck Site Order 2005 |
| Wreck Site - Prohibition on Fishing (South Tomi) Wreck Site Order 1998 |
| Closed Waters Netting (Willie And Barred Creeks) Notice 1992 |
| Closed Waters Netting (Cape Naturaliste To Windy Harbour) Notice 1990 |
| Closed Waters Netting (Fremantle To Yanchep) Notice 1991 |
| Closed Waters Netting (Mid West Coast) Notice 1990 |
| Closed Waters Professional Netting (Rivers, Estuaries, Inlets and Lakes South of 23ºS) Notice 1992 |
| Closed Waters Recreational Netting Restrictions (Rivers, Estuaries, Inets and Lakes South of 23S) Notice 1992 |
| Fish Traps - Channel Entrance to Peel Inlet (Mandurah) (1975) |
| Fish Traps - Murchison River (1974) |
| Fish Traps - North of 23°30’S Latitude and West of 114°25’E Longitude |
| Fish Traps Prohibition Notice 1994 |
| Hardy Inlet Lawful Nets Order 1996 |
| Netting - Closed Waters Netting (Preston Beach To Dunsborough) Notice 1990 |
| Netting - Closed Waters Netting (West Of Albany) Notice 1990 |
| Netting - Set Net - Cockburn Sound To Cape Bouvard Notice |
| Netting - Set Net - Prohibition On The Use Of Set Nets Between Cape Naturaliste And Capel River Notice 1990 |
| Netting Prohibition On Fishing (Ashburton River) Order 1998 |
| Netting - Cape Naturaliste to Windy Harbour |
| Netting - Carnarvon and Onslow Areas |
| Netting - Closed Waters Netting (Esperance Area) |
| Netting - Closed Waters Netting - Various Metro Beaches (South of Fremantle Harbour) |
| Netting - Prohibition on Fixed or Drifting Mesh or Gill Net - Shark Bay (1988) |
| North Coast Shark Fishing (Professional) Notice 1993 |
| North West Coast Shark Fishing (Professional) Gear Prohibition Notice 1993 |
| Prohibition On Fishing Activity (Minimum Net Mesh Size In Beaufort Inlet) Order 2002 |
| Pointed Instruments - Prohibition on the use of Pointed Instruments Notice 1991 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing by Net (Exmouth Gulf) Order 2005 |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Purse Seining) Order 2017 |
| Prohibition on Fishing by Line From Fishing Boats (Pilbara Waters) Order 2006 |
| Prohibition on Fishing by Net (Kimberley Region) |
| Prohibition on the Use of Longlines & Set Lines - Warnbro Sound, Metropolitan Beaches, Inland Waters |
| Prohibition on use of Dredges for Taking Fish Unless Endorsed All Waters (1988) |
| Prohibition on Fishing (Wire Trace) Order 2024 |
| Trawling Prohibition (Whole of State) Notice 1992 |
| Vasse and Wonnerup Netting Restrictions Notice 1991 |
| Coral (Scleractinian) - Port Gregory (1983) |
| Crab Fishing Restrictions (Roebuck Bay) Notice 1992 |
| Gastropod Molluscs (Class Gastropoda), Broome Area (1986) |
| Mud Crabs (Scylla spp) (1985) |
| Prawn Fishing Restrictions Notice 1992 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing for Demersal Scalefish (Pilbara Area) Order 1997 |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing for Gastropoda, Lamellibranchiata, Echinoidea and Holothuroidea (2007) |
| Prohibition on Commercial Fishing for Whitebait Order 2019 |
| Prohibition on Fishing - (Coral, Live Rock and Algae) Order 2007 |
| Prohibition on Fishing for Blue Swimmer Crabs Order 2019 |
| Prohibition on Fishing for Crabs (Cockburn Sound) Order 2014 |
| Prohibition on Fishing for Crabs (Geographe Bay) Order 2005 |
| Prohibition on Fishing for Crabs (Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary ) Order 2007 |
| Prohibition on Taking Abalone (North of Moore River) Order 2011 |
| Prohibition on Taking Samson Fish or Yellowtail Kingfish (Houtman Abrolhos) Notice 1995 |
| Prohibition on Taking Southern Garfish (Perth Metropolitan Waters) Order 2017 |
| Bettys and Normans Beaches Designated Fishing Zone |
| Boat Harbour Designated Fishing Zone |
| Boat Harbour East Designated Fishing Zone |
| Bonito Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Bremer Bay Designated Fishing Zone |
| Cape Naturaliste Designated Fishing Zone |
| Cheyne Bay Designated Fishing Zone |
| Dillon Bay Designated Fishing Zone |
| Doubtful Island Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Fisheries Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Fosters Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Foul Bay Designated Fishing Zone |
| Hassels Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Mutton Bird Island Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Nanarup Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Palingup Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Parrys Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Peppermints Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Salmon Bay and Haul Off Rock Beaches Designated Fishing Zone |
| Shelley Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Smiths Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Torbay Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Trigilow Beach Designated Fishing Zone |
| Two People's Bay Designated Fishing Zone |
| Windy Harbour Designated Fishing Zone |