DBCA Fire Towers (DBCA-061) (41)
| Disused |
| Operational |
Incident Control Centre Sites (DBCA-062) (42)
| Field Incident Control Centre Site |
| Fixed Facility Incident Control Centre |
DPIRD Weather Stations and Radar (DPIRD-075) (45)
Forest Blocks (DBCA-025) (0)
Forest Disease Risk Areas (DBCA-024) (1)
Fish Habitat Protection Areas (DPIRD-049) (2)
Consanguineous Wetlands Suites (DBCA-020) (3)
EPA-SIER (DWER-060) (4)
| Linear - Along roadside, pipe route |
| Expansive - Regional Area |
| Large - LGA Sized |
| Medium - Suburb Sized |
| Small - City Block Equivalent |
| Localised - Lot Size |
Contaminated Sites Database (DWER-059) (5)
| Contaminated - remediation required |
| Contaminated - restricted use |
| Remediated for restricted use |
Clearing Referral Proposal (DWER-116) (83)
Referral - Permit Application Not Required (DWER-117) (84)
Clearing Regulations - Environmentally Sensitive Areas (DWER-046) (6)
EPA Redbook Recommended Conservation Reserves 1976-1991 (DBCA-029) (8)
Ramsar Sites (DBCA-010) (9)
| DRAFT Proposed Area |
| Existing |
Geomorphic Wetlands, Swan Coastal Plain (DBCA-019) (10)
| Conservation |
| Multiple Use |
| Not Applicable |
| Not Assessed |
| Resource Enhancement |
South Coast Significant Wetlands (DBCA-018) (11)
| International (RAMSAR) |
| National (ANCA) |
| National (Register of the National Estate) |
| Conservation Class |
Geomorphic Wetlands, Augusta to Walpole (DBCA-017) (12)
| Dampland |
| Estuary - peripheral |
| Estuary |
| Floodplain |
| Lake |
| Other basin wetlands |
| Paluslope |
| Palusmont |
| Palusplain |
| Sumpland |
Geomorphic Wetlands Cervantes Eneabba (DBCA-015) (13)
| Barlkarra |
| Creek |
| Dampland |
| Floodplain |
| Lake |
| Not classified |
| Paluslope |
| Palusplain |
| Playa |
| River |
| Sumpland |
Geomorphic Wetlands Darkan Duranillin (DBCA-016) (14)
| Creek |
| Dampland |
| Floodplain |
| Lake |
| Paluslope |
| Palusplain |
| River |
| Sumpland |
Geomorphic Wetlands Cervantes Coastal (DBCA-014) (15)
| Barlkarra |
| Creek |
| Dampland |
| Estuary |
| Estuary-Peripheral |
| Floodplain |
| Lake |
| Not classified |
| Paluslope |
| Palusplain |
| Playa |
| River |
| Self-emergent wetland |
| Spring |
| Sumpland |
| Wadi |
Geomorphic Wetlands Cervantes South (DBCA-013) (16)
| Barlkarra |
| Creek |
| Dampland |
| Floodplain |
| Lake |
| Paluslope |
| Palusplain |
| River |
| Sumpland |
Native Vegetation Extent (DPIRD-005) (17)
Pre-European Vegetation (DPIRD-006) (18)
| System Association |
Wheatbelt Wetlands Stage 1 (DBCA-021) (19)
| Basin |
| Channel |
| Flat |
| Granite outcrop |
| Reservoir |
| Slope |
| Not classified |
Swan Canning Riverpark (DBCA-035) (20)
EPP 2003 Western Swamp Tortoise Policy Boundary (DWER-062) (21)
Kwinana - Atmospheric Waste Miscellaneous Areas (DWER-064) (22)
Kwinana - Atmospheric Waste Policy Boundary (DWER-065) (23)
Peel Inlet - Harvey Estuary (DWER-066) (24)
Aquatic GDE in the Fitzroy Water Planning Area (DWER-126) (116)
| High potential |
| Moderate potential |
| Low potential |
| Non-GDE |
Western Swamp Tortoise Habitat (DWER-071) (25)
Geomorphic Wetlands South West - Unreviewed (DBCA-040) (26)
| Dampland |
| Floodplain |
| Not Assessed |
| Paluslope |
| Palusplain |
| Palusvale |
| Sumpland |
Forest Management Plan 2014-2023 (DBCA-041) (27)
| National park |
| Nature reserve |
| Conservation park |
| Conservation reserve |
| Other reserve |
| State forest, timber reserve and miscellaneous reserve |
| Forest Conservation Area |
Forest Management Plan (FMP) 2024 - 2033 (DBCA-078) (74)
| National Park |
| Nature Reserve |
| Conservation Park |
| Section 5(1)(h) Reserve |
| Conservation Reserve |
| Forest Conservation Area |
| State Forest |
| Excision from CALM Estate |
Forest Management Plan (FMP) Boundary: 2024 - 2033 (DBCA-080) (75)
Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) Boundary (DBCA-081) (76)
Walpole Wilderness Peat Wetlands - Unreviewed (DBCA-042) (28)
| basin/swamp |
| dam |
| flat |
| lake |
Geomorphic Wetlands Leeuwin Naturaliste Ridge and Donnybrook to Nannup - Unreviewed (DBCA-043) (29)
| Dampland |
| Floodplain |
| Lake |
| Not Assessed |
| Paluslope |
| Palusplain |
| Palusvale |
| Sumpland |
Geomorphic Wetlands Manjimup to Northcliffe - Unreviewed (DBCA-044) (30)
| Dampland |
| Floodplain |
| Lake |
| Not Assessed |
| Paluslope |
| Palusmont |
| Palusplain |
| Palusvale |
| Sumpland |
Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia - Western Australia (DBCA-045) (31)
Vegetation Complexes - Swan Coastal Plain (DBCA-046) (32)
| Mogumber Complex-North |
| Mogumber Complex-South |
| Karamal Complex-North |
| Karamal Complex-South |
| Cullula Complex |
| Wannamal Complex |
| Moondah Complex |
| Reagan Complex |
| Gingin Complex |
| Southern River Complex |
| Bassendean Complex-North |
| Bassendean Complex-Central and South |
| Bassendean Complex-North Transition |
| Bassendean Complex-Central and South Transition |
| Karrakatta Complex-North |
| Karrakatta Complex-North Transition |
| Karrakatta Complex-Central and South |
| Caladenia Complex |
| Cottesloe Complex-North |
| Cottesloe Complex-Central and South |
| Herdsman Complex |
| Pinjar Complex |
| Quindalup Complex |
| Abba Complex |
| Coonambidgee Complex |
| Guildford Complex |
| Swan Complex |
| Dardanup Complex |
| Serpentine River Complex |
| Beermullah Complex |
| Bootine Complex |
| Yanga Complex |
| Mungala Complex |
| Cannington Complex |
| Moore River |
| Cokelup Complex |
| Vasse Complex |
| Yoongarillup Complex |
| Forrestfield Complex |
| Cartis Complex |
Vegetation Complexes - South West forest region of Western Australia (DBCA-047) (33)
| Barrow, BAf |
| Barrow, BAg |
| Bevan 1, BE1 |
| Bevan 1, BEy1 |
| Bevan 2, BE2 |
| Bevan 2, BEy2 |
| Bevan 3, BE3 |
| Bevan, BEb |
| Bevan, BEs |
| Boscabel, Bo1 |
| Boscabel, Bo1s |
| Collis 1, CO1 |
| Collis 1, COp1 |
| Collis 1, COy1 |
| Collis 2, CO2 |
| Collis 2, COp2 |
| Collis 2, COy2 |
| Collis, COb |
| Collis, COd |
| Cooke, Ce |
| Crowea, CRb |
| Crowea, CRd |
| Crowea, CRy |
| Dalmore 1, DM1 |
| Dalmore 2, DM2 |
| Dalmore, DMg |
| Darkin 1, Dk1 |
| Darling Scarp, DS1 |
| Darling Scarp, DS2 |
| Donnybrook, DB3 |
| Dwellingup, D1 |
| Dwellingup, D2 |
| Dwellingup, D3 |
| Dwellingup, D4 |
| Farrar 1, Fa1 |
| Gale, GA |
| Hester, HR |
| Keystone, Kb |
| Keystone, Kg |
| Keystone, Kp |
| Keystone, Ks |
| Keystone, Ky |
| Kulikup 1, KU1 |
| Kulikup 2, KU2 |
| Lindesay, Lg |
| Lindesay, Lp |
| Lindesay, Ls |
| Lindesay, Ly |
| Mallawillup, Mm |
| Mattaband 1, MT1 |
| Mattaband 1, MTp1 |
| Mattaband 1, MTy1 |
| Mattaband 2, MT2 |
| Mattaband 2, MTp2 |
| Mattaband 2, MTy2 |
| Mattaband, MTb |
| Mornington, MH |
| Perillup, PP |
| Pillenorup, PN |
| Pumpareena, Pu |
| Quartzite Hills, QT |
| Quininup, QP |
| Sandalwood, SD |
| Toponup, TP |
| Wilga, WG |
| Wishart, WS2 |
| Wishart, WSv |
| Yalanbee, Y5 |
| Yalanbee, Y6 |
| Caldyanup, CA |
| Camballup, CM |
| Corbalup 2, CL2 |
| Corbalup, CL1 |
| Cormint, CT |
| Goonaping, G |
| Kapalarup, KP |
| Kirup, KR |
| Kulikup, KUw |
| Morande, MO |
| Nuniup, Nu |
| Qualeup, QU |
| Qualeup, QUs |
| Qualeup, QUw |
| Quindabellup, QN |
| Sidcup, SC |
| Stockton, SK |
| Swamp, S |
| Yornup, YR |
| Balingup, BL |
| Balingup, BLf |
| Bindoon, Bi |
| Boonarie, BO |
| Bridgetown, BT |
| Bridgetown, BTf |
| Brockman, BR |
| Carbunup, CB |
| Cattaminup, CP |
| Catterick, CC1 |
| Catterick, CC2 |
| Coolakin, Ck |
| Darkin 2, Dk2 |
| Darkin 3, Dk3 |
| Darkin 4, Dk4 |
| Donnelly, DO |
| Farrar 2, Fa2 |
| Farrar 3, Fa3 |
| Granite Valleys, S1 |
| Granite Valleys, S2 |
| Granite Valleys, V1 |
| Granite Valleys, V5 |
| Granite Valleys, Va2 |
| Granite Valleys, Va3 |
| Granite Valleys, Vh2 |
| Granite Valleys, Vh3 |
| Grimwade, GR |
| Helena 1, He1 |
| Helena 2, He2 |
| Lefroy, LF |
| Lowdon, Lo |
| Lukin 1, LK1 |
| Lukin 2, LK2 |
| Michibin, Mi |
| Murray 1, My1 |
| Murray 2, My2 |
| Narrow Valleys, S5 |
| Narrow Valleys, S6 |
| Newgalup 1, NW1 |
| Newgalup 1, NWf1 |
| Newgalup 1, NWg1 |
| Newgalup 2, NW2 |
| Newgalup 2, NWf2 |
| Newgalup 2, NWg2 |
| Pemberton, PM1 |
| Pemberton, PM2 |
| Pindalup, Pn |
| Queenwood, QW |
| Queenwood, QWf |
| Saline Terraces, st |
| Stratton, ST |
| Warren, WA |
| Wheatley, WH1 |
| Wheatley, WH2 |
| Wheatley, WH3 |
| Wilgarup, WL |
| Yanmah, YN1 |
| Yanmah, YN2 |
| Yarragil 1, Yg1 |
| Yarragil 2, Yg2 |
| Yerraminnup, YE |
| Yerraminnup, YEf |
| Condinup, CP1 |
| Condinup, CP2 |
| Darkin 5, Dk5 |
| Darkin 5f, Dk5f |
| Farrar 4, Fa4 |
| Farrar 5, Fa5 |
| Gnowergerup, GW |
| Lakes And Open Water, L |
| Mumballup, ML |
| Nooning, No |
| Southampton, SP |
| Williams, Wi |
| Wingewelup, Wg |
| Cardiff, CF |
| Collie, CI |
| Muja, MJ |
| Frankland Hills, FH1 |
| Frankland Hills, FH2 |
| Gordon Flats, GD2 |
| Unicup, UC3 |
| Yarraleena, Ya |
| Frankland Hills, FH3 |
| Jingalup, JP2 |
| Unicup, UC2 |
| Frankland Hills, FH4 |
| Frankland Hills, FH5 |
| Gordon Flats, GD1 |
| Gordon Flats, GD4 |
| Unicup, UC1 |
| Unicup, UC4 |
| Angove, A |
| Blackwater, BW |
| Blackwater, BWp |
| Broad Swamps, S4 |
| Burnett, BU |
| Granite Valleys, V4 |
| Hawk, HK |
| Hazelvale, HA |
| Kordabup, KO |
| Owingup, OW |
| Pingerup, Pi |
| Quagering, Q |
| Shallow Valleys, S3 |
| Walpole, Wp |
| Dempster 1, Dc1 |
| Dempster 2, Dc2 |
| Dempster, Ds |
| Mitchell, MI |
| Redmond, R |
| Trent, TR1 |
| Trent, TR2 |
| Broad Valleys, S7 |
| Broad Valleys, S8 |
| Sedimentary Valleys, V7 |
| Sedimentary Valleys, V8 |
| Boulongup, Bu |
| Fernley, F |
| Valley Terrace, f |
| Valley Terrace, t |
| Gracetown Karst, Gk |
| Gracetown, G2 |
| Gracetown, G3 |
| Gracetown, Ge |
| Gracetown, GE |
| Gracetown, Gv |
| Kilcarnup, KB |
| Kilcarnup, KbE |
| Kilcarnup, KE |
| Kilcarnup, KEf |
| Kilcarnup, Kf |
| Kilcarnup, Kr |
| Wilyabrup, We |
| Wilyabrup, WE |
| Wilyabrup, WEw |
| Cowaramup, C1 |
| Cowaramup, C2 |
| Cowaramup, Cd |
| Cowaramup, Cr |
| Glenarty Hills, H |
| Glenarty Hills, Hd |
| Metricup, M |
| Cowaramup, Cw1 |
| Cowaramup, Cw2 |
| Glenarty Hills, Hw |
| Metricup, Mv |
| Wilyabrup, W1 |
| Wilyabrup, W2 |
| Wilyabrup, Wd |
| Wilyabrup, Wr |
| Wilyabrup, Ww1 |
| Wilyabrup, Ww2 |
| Whicher Scarp, WC |
| Whicher Scarp, WCv |
| Yelverton, Y |
| Yelverton, Yd |
| Yelverton, Yf |
| Yelverton, Yw |
| Bentley, BN |
| Blackwood, B |
| Blackwood, Bd |
| Blackwood, Bf |
| Jangardup, JN |
| Kingia, KI |
| Milyeanup, MP |
| Nillup, N |
| Nillup, Nd |
| Telerah, TL |
| Treeton, T |
| Treeton, Td |
| Blackwood, Bw |
| Coate, CE |
| Nillup, Nw |
| Barlee, Ba |
| Bidella, BD |
| Blackwood, BK |
| Jalbaragup, JL |
| Preston, PR |
| Rosa, RO |
| Scott Scarp, SS |
| Treeton, Tw |
| Darradup, DP |
| Layman, LY |
| Blackwood, Bwy |
| Scott, Sd |
| Scott, Sd2 |
| Cleave, CV |
| Jasper, JA |
| Scott, Sw |
| Scott, Swd |
| Scott, Swi |
| D'Entrecasteaux, D |
| D'Entrecasteaux, D5 |
| D'Entrecasteaux, Dd |
| D'Entrecasteaux, Dd5 |
| D'Entrecasteaux, DE5 |
| D'Entrecasteaux, Dr |
| D'Entrecasteaux, Drd |
| D'Entrecasteaux, E |
| Gardner, Gg |
| Meerup, Mc |
| Meerup, Mf |
| Meerup, Mp |
| Meerup, Mr |
| Meerup, Ms |
| Meerup, Mu |
| Meerup, My |
| (Needs to be reviewed), Rev |
| (Not defined), Inlet |
Clearing Instruments Proposals (Areas Applied to Clear) (DWER-075) (34)
Clearing Instruments Activities (Areas Approved to Clear) (DWER-076) (35)
Clearing Instruments Conditions (Areas Subject to Conditions) (DWER-077) (36)
DBCA Burn Options Program (DBCA-007) (37)
DBCA 3 Year Burn Options Program (DBCA-009) (38)
Prescribed Burn - Land Management Zones (DBCA-059) (39)
Offsets Register - Offsets (DWER-078) (43)
Offsets Register - Projects (DWER-079) (44)
Wild Rivers (DWER-087) (118)
Gnangara Jandakot Depth to Groundwater (Contours) – 2019 Min (DWER-095) (119)
Gnangara Jandakot Depth to Groundwater (Contours) – 2019 Max (DWER-096) (121)
Gnangara Jandakot Depth to Groundwater (Raster) – 2019 Min (DWER-097) (123)
| 0 |
| 0 - 1 |
| 1 - 3 |
| 3 - 6 |
| 6 - 10.5 |
| > 10.5 |
Gnangara Jandakot Depth to Groundwater (Raster) – 2019 Max (DWER-098) (124)
| 0 |
| 0 - 1 |
| 1 - 3 |
| 3 - 6 |
| 6 - 10.5 |
| > 10.5 |
Gnangara Jandakot Water Table Elevation (Contours) – 2019 Min (DWER-099) (122)
Gnangara Jandakot Water Table Elevation (Contours) – 2019 Max (DWER-100) (117)
Gnangara Jandakot Water Table Elevation (Raster) – 2019 Min (DWER-101) (125)
| High : 75.2819 - Low : 0 |
Gnangara Jandakot Water Table Elevation (Raster) – 2019 Max (DWER-102) (126)
| High : 75.8324 - Low : 0 |
Swan Coastal Plain Remnant Vegetation 2000 (DPIRD-089) (47)
Swan Coastal Plain Remnant Vegetation 2005 (DPIRD-090) (48)
Swan Coastal Plain Remnant Vegetation 2010 (DPIRD-091) (49)
Swan Coastal Plain Remnant Vegetation 2015 (DPIRD-092) (50)
Swan Coastal Plain Remnant Vegetation 2020 (DPIRD-093) (51)
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2022-01-01 to 2022-06-30 (53)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2021-07-01 to 2021-12-31 (54)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2021-01-01 to 2021-06-30 (55)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2020-07-01 to 2020-12-31 (56)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2020-01-01 to 2020-06-30 (57)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2019-07-01 to 2019-12-31 (58)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2019-01-01 to 2019-06-30 (59)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2018-07-01 to 2018-12-31 (60)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2018-01-01 to 2018-06-30 (61)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2017-07-01 to 2017-12-31 (62)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2017-01-01 to 2017-06-30 (63)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2016-07-01 to 2016-12-31 (64)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2016-01-01 to 2016-06-30 (65)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
High Tide (DPIRD-094) 2015-07-01 to 2015-12-31 (66)
| High Confidence |
| Low Confidence |
Juvenile Period in Slow-Maturing Plants (Projected Change) - SW of WA (DBCA-072) (67)
Juvenile Period in Slow-Maturing Plants (Recent) - SW of WA (DBCA-073) (68)
| 0-5 |
| 6-10 |
| 11-15 |
| 16-20 |
| 21-25 - primarily non-vegetated (salt) |
Juvenile Period in Slow-Maturing Plants (2050 RCP 4.5) - SW of WA (DBCA-074) (69)
| 0-5 |
| 6-10 |
| 11-15 |
| 16-20 |
| 21-25 |
Juvenile Period in Slow-Maturing Plants (2090 RCP 4.5) - SW of WA (DBCA-075) (70)
| 0-5 |
| 6-10 |
| 11-15 |
| 16-20 |
| 21-25 |
Juvenile Period in Slow-Maturing Plants (2090 RCP 8.5) - SW of WA (DBCA-076) (71)
| 0-5 |
| 6-10 |
| 11-15 |
| 16-20 |
| 21-25 |
| 26-30 |
EPA Referred Schemes (DWER-119) (72)
EPA Referred Significant Proposals (DWER-120) (73)
Phytophthora Dieback Occurrence - Infested Only (DBCA-082) (120)
Dinosaur Coast Mgmt Plan (DCNHMP) - Heritage Values (DBCA-084) (129)
| Area with Heritage Values |
| Area with Outstanding Heritage Values |
Dinosaur Coast Mgmt Plan (DCNHMP) - Project Boundary (DBCA-085) (128)
Dinosaur Coast Mgmt Plan (DCNHMP) - Geological Units (DBCA-086) (127)
| Built Environment |
| Broome Sandstone |
| Unnamed Pliocene-Quaternary Conglomerate |
| Cape Boileau Calcarenite + Lombadina Conglomerate |
| Cable Beach Sand |
| Djugun Member |
| Horsewater Soak Calcarenite |
| Sandfire Calcilutite |
| Holocene Aeolean Dune Sand (Church Hill Sand + Shoonta Hill Sand) overlying Pleistocene Mowanjum Sand |