Value: 2 Label: 2 – Moderate to low risk of ASS occurring within 3m of natural soil surface but high to moderate risk of ASS beyond 3m of natural soil surface Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: 2 Label: 2 – Moderate to low risk of ASS occurring within 3m of natural soil surface but high to moderate risk of ASS beyond 3m of natural soil surface Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: 2 Label: 2 – Moderate to low risk of ASS occurring within 3m of natural soil surface but high to moderate risk of ASS beyond 3m of natural soil surface Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: 2 Label: 2 – Moderate to low risk of ASS occurring within 3m of natural soil surface but high to moderate risk of ASS beyond 3m of natural soil surface Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: 2 Label: 2 – Moderate to low risk of ASS occurring within 3m of natural soil surface but high to moderate risk of ASS beyond 3m of natural soil surface Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: 2 Label: 2 – Moderate to low risk of ASS occurring within 3m of natural soil surface but high to moderate risk of ASS beyond 3m of natural soil surface Description: N/A Symbol: